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Friday, August 9, 2013

Counting the days

Eid Mubarak to you all! ...though I confess after a manic period that lazily strolled through my life I'm more than ready to jump on a plane and escape with my family, my ballerina flats and stacks of books (though I'm getting my ipad, I prefer to be old-school with my reading)!
God, so much has happened that I'm ready to re-charge at this rate, I want to escape! To do the following things in my dream city:
-Get lost in the city
-Explore some flower shops
-lie down in the grass in the park and read
-go to an eclectic coffee shop and read
-go to the beach and read a book
-accept the challenge to consume the 1500 calories burrito lol 

I promise I'll write more often during my trip, I feel my reading will return to its creative glory once I'm more relaxed.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Smiley tired eyes

 Ever woke up with a creative idea so brilliant that it kept u up all night because it like an awesome tidal wave crashing against ur heart? That happened to me today...and though my body is slightly weak my heart is excited with the project I'm working on. InshAllah things work out! To tell ye the truth it's been keeping me up for months and I'm in no way complaining. It's just that e ideas and inspirations that are plaguing my mind and heart is just joyfully overwhelming that amusingly my body took a beating from it with the lack of sleeping and suppressed appetite...which isn't bad for any lady who wants to lose a pound or 2...or 3 or 4. Lol!
Anyways need to splash my face with freezing water and face the treacherously fascinating labyrinth that is life.


Morning friends


Friday, July 12, 2013

A lazy thought


               A bed, be it tidy or untidy is always inviting! Enjoy your weekend my friends!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

A brief thought.


            Nothing can really be beautiful unless it consists of a little imperfect peculiarity

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lazy Saturday


A steamed bubble bath full of bubbles (there's no such thing as too much bubbles darn it!)
Brain cell numbing stacks of gossip magazine to announce to the world today how much care you'll giving during the holy bubble bath time.

Simple yet a sensational way to end a weekend....then lie in bed and watch some silly reality shows as well as excruciatingly stupid talk shows that will make you laugh and wonder if Darwin's theory of evolution is true after observing how cave-man-like people can behave....

Enjoy your Saturday friends for I plan to enjoy mine with a vengeance lol
