Too bad the flower shops aren't all in one area like NY's Flower District. Would love to see that!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Flower Shopping
Absolutely love it! Feasting my eyes from the subtle to the vibrant colors of the petals to quietly inhaling the soul soothing fragrence, poetic, aren't I?
Too bad the flower shops aren't all in one area like NY's Flower District. Would love to see that!
Too bad the flower shops aren't all in one area like NY's Flower District. Would love to see that!
Monday, August 30, 2010
My swinging mood
The past two days I was so moody that I didn't even recognize myself. I was a bit catty, then too quiet then hyper-active...I feel sorry for how men try to figure us out, I couldn't figure myself out during the past few days! I'm just glad that today i'm calmer.
However I shan't blame it all on myself, that I'm sure of. the catty (frustrated) part was ignited by two extremely offensive articles that spoke about UAE mixed marriages (meaning emarati men marrying western women cause emarati women are not allowed really) and how it's more positive that marrying us emarati women. I was so offended!! The article was one sided and went on this sort of vendetta to portry us emarati women as superficial, un-ambitious creatures that deserved to go extinct!
Never in my life was I so offended. They should have been fair stating that there's the good in mixed marriages and the good in emarati marriages. Honestly, the article was disgusting and I'm just infuriated by the audacity of the writer who (most probably) isn't emarati, and has no clue of the culture of the native emarati ppl. We welcome all cultures, beliefs and nationalities but to come here to look for a high paid job and not bother to learn about our culture, language and people and dare to disrespect's just too much to handle. I sometimes wonder if we emaratis need to be a bit more assertive in commanding respect (maybe be a bit more formal when dealing with 'corporate foreign expertise') instead of constantly showing our warm hospitality like it is in our nature to do so.
We're not cruel, but the way other nationalities are taking advantage of us and letting them get away with insulting us has become too disappointingly overwhelming....But I'll keep reminding myself, there are still wonderful ppl in the UAE who respect our culture and who we are.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Brother's wedding in October
There's a few months left and I'm working so hard to tone my figure and finalize everything with my family for the wedding, inshAllah khair. The most stressful part though is not the wedding menu, decor and flowers...It's the growing obsession to look great in a long gown. I know, I'm usually a confident, level-headed and positive lady but this special event is putting all of these characteristics to the test...I haven't even decided what dress and evening clutch to buy for my brother's wedding!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Books: (Don't be sad) لا تحزن
As a book worm, I confess that I read far more English books than Arabic ones because.....well I don't know what's the reason exactly but I'm trying to look for Arabic books that are enjoyable.
Mom has given me a few years back a lovely Arabic book called لا تحزن meaning Don't Be Sad. There's an English version of it but I chose to read the Arabic one and even though the book is a few years old and not the latest from the writer Dr. Aaidh Al Qarni I enjoyed it immensely! Its insightful logic that helps you empower yourself, the beautiful poetry. Truly, Dr. Aaidh Al Qarni is an amazing writer and poet...He's also probably the only Arabic writer who I enjoy reading.
Below is one of my favorite pages in his book لا تحزن and you can find more on his website:
اصنع من الليمون شرابا حلوا
الذكي الأريب يحول الخسائر إلى أرباح ، والجاهل الرعديد يجعل المصيبة مصيبتين.
طرد الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم من مكة فأقام في المدينة ، دولة ملأت سمع التاريخ وبصره.
سجن أحمد بن حنبل وجلد ، فصار إمام السنة ، وحبس ابن تيمية فأخرج من حبسه علما جما ، ووضع السرخسي في قعر بئر معطلة فأخرج عشرين مجلدا في الفقه ، وأقعد ابن الأثير فصتف جامع الأصول والنهاية من أشهر وأنفع كتب الحديث ، ونفي ابن الجوزي من بغداد ، فجود القراءات السبع ، وأصابت حمى الموت مالك بن الريب فأرسل للعالمين قصيدته الرائعة الذائعة التي تعدل دواوين شعراء الدولة العباسية ، ومات أبناء أبي ذوئيب الهذلي فرثاهم بإلياذة أنصت لها الدهر ، وذهل منها الجمهور ، وصفق لها التاريخ.
إذا داهمتك داهية فانظر في الجانب المشرق منها ، وإذا ناولك أحدهم كوب ليمون فأضف إليه حفنة من سكر ، وإذا أهدى لك ثعبانا فخذ جلده الثمين واترك باقيه ، وإذا لدغتك عقرب فاعلم أنه مصل واقي ومناعة حصينة ضد سم الحيات. تكيف في ظرفك القاسي ، لتخرج لنا منه زهرا ووردا وياسمينا { وعسى ان تكرهوا شيئا وهو خير لكم } سجنت فرنسا قبل ثورتها العارمة شاعرين مجيدين متفائلا ومتشائما فأخرجا رأسيهما من نافذة السجن. فأما المتفائل فنظر نظرة في النجوم فضحك. وأما المتشائم فنظر إلى الطين في الشارع المجاور فبكى. انظر إلى الوجه الاخر للمأساة ، لأن الشر المحض ليس موجودا بل هناك خير ومكسب وفتح واجر .
{ من يجيب المضطراذا دعاه } من الذي يفزع اليه المكروب ، ويستغيث به المنكوب وتصمدإليه الكائنات، وتسأله المخلوقات ، وتلهج بذكره الالسن وتالهه القلوب انه الله لا إله الا هو.
وحق علي وعليك ان ندعوه في الشدة والرخاء والسراء والضراء ونفزع اليه في الملمات ونتوسل اليه في الكربات وننطرح علىعتبات بابه سائلين باكين ضارعين منيبين حينها ياتي مدده ويصل عونه ويسرع فرجه ويحل فتحه { امن يجيب المضطر اذا دعاه } فينجي الغريق ويرد الغائب ويعافي المبتلي وينصر المظلوم ويهدي الضال ويشفي المريض ويفرج عن المكروب { فاذا ركبوا في الفلك دعوا الله مخلصين له الدين } ولن اسرد عليك هنا أدعية ازاحة الهم والغم والحزن والكرب، ولكن احيلك إلى كتب السنة لتتعلم شريف الخطاب معه فتناجيه وتناديه وتدعوه وترجوه، فإن وجدته وجدت كل شيء ، وان فقدت الإيمان به فقدت كل شيء ، ان دعاءك ربك عبادة أخرى ، وطاعة عظمى ثانيه فوق حصول المطلوب ، وإن عبدا يجيد فن الدعاء حري ان لايهتم ولايغتم ولايقلق كل الحبال تتصرم الا حبله كل الابواب توصد الابابه وهوقريب سميع مجيب ، يجيب المضطر اذا دعاه يامرك وانت الفقير الضعيف المحتاج ، وهو الغني القوي الواحد الماجد- بأن تدعوه { ادعوني استجب لكم } إذا نزلت بك النوازل ، وألمت بك الخطوب فالهج بذكره ، واهتف باسمه ، واطلب مدده واسأله فتحه ونصره ، مرغ الجبين لتقديس اسمه ، لتحصل على تاج الحرية ، وارغم الأنف في طين عبوديته لتحوز وسام النجاة ، مد يديك ، ارفع كفيك ، أطلق لسانك ، أكثر من طلبه ، بالغ في سؤاله ، ألح عليه ، إلزم بابه ، انتظر لطفه ، ترقب فتحه ، أش باسمه ، أحسن ظنك فيه ، انقطع إليه ، تبتل إليه تبتيلأ حتى تسعد وتفلح.
Monday, August 23, 2010
MBA: Coming soon inshAllah
InshAllah I finally had the courage to apply for my MBA and will be starting soon. I'm really looking forward to enhancing myself intellectually. I predict a slow down in my social life and the occasional 'butterflies in my stomach' feeling before an exam in my future!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Rolex Watch
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Enjoy the person you are
It's sad how most people will never realize how special they are, or just bottle up their individuality and morph into this rebel who decides to defy this society and go crazy because they have this silly idea that the whole world is against them and that this society is restricting them. News Flash, the only source of restriction is in our minds. We (ourselves) have the ability to adapt while enjoying it and we have the ability to take ourselves into a dark pit and never want to leave cause we want to torture ourselves in sorrow. Enjoy the person you are cause it's pretty special.....I'd write more but it's slightly challenging to jot down my thoughts while fasting, would be easier with a mug of English Breakfast Tea lol, Elhumdellah 3ala kel 7al.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Precious time
If the time I've wasted on certain people in my life was money I'd be a billionaire. *smiles to herself* However, I have no regrets to how my life turned out and the valuable lessons I've learned elhumdellah cause it made me a wiser, calmer, more forgiving person than I ever was in the past.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Left handed Day!
Obama and I hold the pen in the same way!!! |
I know it was on August 13th but it was too tempting to post this:
1. Left Hander's Day was started in August 13 1976 by Left handers International.
2. About 7 percent of the population is left handed.
3. Lefties are also called "southpaws".
4. In twins, there is a high tendency for one to be left-handed.
5. 1 in 4 Apollo astronauts were left-handed.
6. 4 of the 5 original designers of the Macintosh computer were left-handed.
7. Left-handers usually reach puberty 4 to 5 months after right-handers.
8. George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are all left handed. Ronald Regan was left handed too.
9. Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Di Vinci, and Michelangelo were also left handed.
10. Right handed people tend to use the left side of their brains more. Left handed people tend to use the rights.
11. Left handers tend to adjust quickly to seeing underwater.
12. Right handers tend to chew food on the right side, left handers tend to chew on the left side.
13. Albert Einstein was left handed.
14. Left handed people who have higher I.Q.s tend to have an I.Q. of over 140.
15. In some cultures it is impolite to touch your food with your left hand
Saluto to all my left-handed friends out there. : )
Whispering prayers
During Ramadan I enjoy going to the masjid with my mom for the Taraweeh prayers. What I like about it is the silence. Silence all around except for the whispering prayers of the women sitting and/or standing close to one another. Whispering for better health, for a better ending, for the mother, father family and loved ones, for forgiveness, better life, for heaven, for peace, for just leaders and thankhim for what He has given you.
There's something comforting about sitting in that masjid's great hall, raising your hands and asking God to hear your prayers with the passionate believe that He will grant you what you want sooner or later, one way or another. He could also grant you something you didnt ask for and didn't realize your were looking for it until you find it. Indeed God works in myterious ways and that's the beauty of life, you never know what's around the corner.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Nourishing for the soul: The Holy Quran
Some find comfort in meditating, yoga, long walks, I enjoy these therapeutic treats as well but I feel such comfort in my soul when I read the Holy Quran. I just find it sad that some people choose to read it only during the month of Ramadan, while others allow having their time consumed with mindless and tragic soap operas when they can be mending their hearts and minds with the wise and comforting words that this book offers. Let me tell you, I'm proud to be a fairly modern educated lady who comes from a family that enjoys traveling and learning about other cultures but I'm always amazed how the wise words within this holy book is always guiding us even during our fast-paced modern lives.
Thank God for the Quran, it played a major role (along with my family) in making me a better individual.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
First day of Ramadan
Sheikh Zayed's Mosque in Abu Dhabi. A stunning achievement of Islamic architectural art |
Today is the first day of Ramdan and so far so good elhumdellah. I'm planning this year to reduce more than ever on the TV watching and focus more on the praying. Plus I want to reduce on the food consumption (I tend to gain a little weight during Ramadan!) and go to the gym...I was told that it's best to workout an hour or 2 before one breaks their fast, will give it a shot today.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Inspiration: Desserts
I have a notorious sweet tooth and over the years I tried so hard to curb it and failed. I don't know but sometimes I think we Arabs are genetically predisposed to like anything that has a sweet taste.
One peice will never be enough to indulge for me |
My absolute favorite: Rose flavored Turkish Delights |
Arabic pastries is always a winner to my taste buds |
Omani Halwa: You have to be a professional sweet tooth for this. So sweet it will make your head spin |
Guilt free PinkBerry (With every kind of berries only) |
This post wouldn't be complete without a photo of cupcakes with lots of frosting! |
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