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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


When you take a picture



Brought to you by planetpiink, too funny!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer Colours

I'm really towards these sophisticated, easy on the eyes colors. : )


Yes, I enjoy being busy but I seriously can't wait for my summer vacation. Plus I need to start hitting the gym everyday. Yes I might sound a little obsessed but I've got my game on and I'm determined to have my well toned figure again : )

K. Regards


A wave of responsibilities

Felt bad about neglecting my Blog but been insanely busy with so many projects coming my way. Got my last course to complete before my summer officially starts on June 29th. The First Alumnae Dinner Gala is coming up at Zayed University and wrapping up my projects at work.
*Whew* it's been a chaotic 2 months and inshAllah all will settle by the end of June.
However i'm not complaining at all elhumdellah. I'm welcoming this fresh wave of responsibilities that's giving me a big boost of self development and importance. Plus it's pushing whatever negativity that occasionally crawls into my mind so that's a plus I think!
Oh so much is happening and some interesting changes coming my way...but I'll post the next week or so inshAllah. : )

Monday, May 9, 2011

This made me smile

Struggling with words

It's been a rough week of exams and event management for me. I'm trying to be calm but there's a raging storm of stressful chaos in me. It's starting to affect me as I'm having mood swings and I'm becoming so lethargic and cranky.
And with summer here it's not even helping (40degrees in an abaya is pure torture!).
Actually there is another thing that's bringing me down but I just can't bring myself to express it. Loneliness? Despair? Emptiness? I don't know. I keep trying to convinve myself that I'm already overwhelmed with my Masters, being the V. Chairman of the Alumnae board and my day job. To many that would seem like someone who is doing well. Elhumdellah I'm not saying I'm not grateful for being this busy. It's just that there's something I want but can't bring myself to say it.
Alright I confess, It's more a matter of the heart. I'm trying to keep myself too busy so i would be so exhausted that I'd forget how much loneliness tends to gnaw inside me every now and then...Allah Kareem. I'm sure this is just a short negative phase and I'll overcome it inshAllah.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I like to think of myself that way only in

Monday, May 2, 2011


Dear God

Please help me understand and Guide me to where i'm supposed to be. Help me have faith and to move forward confidently in what is right.
I have so much to thank you for, and sometimes it’s so easy to jump up and down with the gladness of it, and then…
Sometimes its harder and I need a little strength to let go of the things I cling to all the harder knowing i shouldn’t. I find it hard to be greatful for the love and happiness i had, my past seems to mock my present, and I spend too long looking at old photos.
Help me shake off this black cloud and move forward into the sunshine, and deserve the love I crave, and make as many people as I can feel loved and charished and happy.
Please be with me everyday while I wander around life. It’s a big world and I need you to be there with me. Sometimes people just don’t understand me, and I just don’t understand them. Help me to find my purpose in life. Help me to always do the right thing for other people.
