Saturday, December 31, 2011
Final 2011 evening thought
Before 2011 comes to an end and forever fold its chapter I wished to share a few thoughts that I sincerely believe represents where I stand right now in my life. I have found success, I have found wonderful friends, I have found sorrow, I have found friends who betrayed me and my family, I have found salvation, but most important of them all. I have found myself. I feel as though I have reached a point where I have made peace with myself before God and my family. Elhumdellah I feel i'm in a better place in my life. Not exactly there yet but now I'll learn to enjoy rather than survive.
Friends, here are some of my final thoughts that I would like to share with you, some are quoted and some are mine:
-Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that by hating someone we hurt them. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do to others, we also do to ourselves. Mitch Albom
-The only obstacle that stands before us to acheive our dreams is the fear of failure
-It is easier to live through someone else than to complete yourself. The freedom to lead and plan your own life is frightening if you have never faced it before. Betty Friedan
- Reading gives us a place to go when we have to stay where we are.
-Appreciate the remaining day of 2011 because you'll never know how much you'll miss it this time around next year.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
New Year, New Resolution
Hello everyone hope you are doing great inshAllah. Just wanted to share with you some of my New Year's resolution that I wrote down on my blackberry at almost 2 in the morning today : ). I apologize in advance that it wasn't coherently written but I didn't wish to edit it because a year from now I'd like to come back to this post to read and look at my style of writing and thinking to see how much I have changed. Because I took a look at my last year's resolution and elhumdellah I'm proud to say that I have changed for the better : )
Anyway here is what I wrote, I wonder if there's someone who would agree with me in some ofthese points...The difference in this year's resolution is that it's not whimsical resolutions that I came up with, but resolutions that have been dictated by all the things I went through (especially in the last few months):
To be closer to God more than ever, to be patient and more understanding on the path that God has written for me and be as humble as humanly possible. To not allow my career and position take me away from my family and to sacrifice for them. To stop sacrificing for 'friends' no matter how close they are but remain to be noble instead and never fear seniority if I know that there is something wrong or corrupt. To be as fierce as a lion and cunning as a fox. To be in control of my thoughts and emotions whenever I can. To listen hard and digest longer all that is around me, to be aware. To be less nicer to strangers, best to show that u r good but never someone to mess around with.
Some might view this as a bit deep and dark but to be honest I felt much better after writing it cause I know it is on my mind,
Sunday, December 25, 2011
من هو عبد الرحمن السميط
عبد الرحمن بن حمود السميط (15 أكتوبر 1947 م -) داعية كويتي ومؤسس جمعية العون المباشر - لجنة مسلمي أفريقيا سابقاً - ورئيس مجلس إدارتها, ورئيس مجلس البحوث والدراسات الإسلامية. ولد في الكويت عام 1947م. أسلم على يديه أكثر من 11 مليون شخص في إفريقيا بعد أن قضى أكثر من 29 سنه ينشر الإسلام في القارة السمراء . قبل أن يصبح ناشطاً في العمل الخيري، كان طبيبا متخصصا في الأمراض الباطنية والجهاز الهضمي. تخرج من جامعة بغداد بعد أن حصل على بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة, ثم حصل على دبلوم أمراض مناطق حارة من جامعة ليفربول عام 1974م، واستكمل دراساته العليا في جامعة ماكجل الكندية متخصصًا في الأمراض الباطنية والجهاز الهضمي.]
نال السميط عددا من الأوسمة والجوائز والدروع والشهادات التقديرية، مكافأة له على جهوده في الأعمال الخيرية، ومن أرفع هذه الجوائز جائزة الملك فيصل العالمية لخدمة الإسلام، والتي تبرع بمكافأتها (750 ألف ريال سعودي) لتكون نواة للوقف التعليمي لأبناء أفريقيا، ومن عائد هذا الوقف تلقت أعداد كبيرة من أبناء أفريقيا تعليمها في الجامعات المختلفة. تعرض في أفريقيا للاغتيال مرات عديدة من قبل المليشيات المسلحة بسبب حضوره الطاغي في أوساط الفقراء والمحتاجين، كما حاصرته أفعى الكوبرا في موزمبيق وكينيا وملاوي غير مرة لكن الله نجاه. بالإضافة إلى لسع البعوض في تلك القرى وشح الماء وانقطاع الكهرباء. وتعرض في حياته لمحن السجون وكان أقساها أسره على يد البعثيين.
قضى ربع قرن فى افريقيا وكان ياتى للكويت فقط للزيارة أو العلاج, كانت سلسلة رحلاته في أدغال أفريقيا وأهوال التنقل في غاباتها تعد نوعاً من الأعمال الاستشهادية بتعريض نفسه للخطر لأجل أن يحمل السلام والغوث لأفريقيا بيد فيها رغيف ويد فيها مصباح نور وكتاب, وسلاحه المادي جسده المثخن بالضغط والسكر والجلطات وأما سلاحه الإيماني الذي حسم معارك السميط في سبيل الله والمستضعفين فآيات استقرت في قلبه. ما زال السميط يعمل في الدعوة رغم أنه شيخ كبير ظهر بياض شعره وصعوبة حركته وتثاقل أقدامه فضلاً عن إصابته بالسكر وبه آلام في قدمه وظهره.
المصدر: ويكيبيديا
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Artistic Arabia
Stumbled upon these artistically stunning Arabic photography that I wanted to share with you all : )
Makes me want to try wearing the traditional abaya (the one on the head). So feminine and beautiful...Might consider to go old school with this style! InshAllah you find it as lovely as I did
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Evening Thought
It is sometimes the only thing that keeps us's so small and fragile but yet so remarkebly powerful. And sometimes (well many times when you least expect it) it overcomes the sorrow, the emptiness and the darkness that threatens to consume you. Just have faith in Allah and you'll be fine : )
Good night
Good night
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Abu Dhabi
Evening my friends I hope you are all doing great inshAllah. My apologies for not writing in a while and resorting to posting random thoughts. It's been a very busy month for me. Got back last week from a business trip from Paris (was lovely to have my mom with me elhumdellah) and a few days ago (Monday) I went for the first time ever to Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed's Majles to listen to an excellent lecture on Water Crisis by Dr. Peter H. Gleick who's the co-founder and president of the Pacific Institute for
Studies in Development, Environment, and Security (the photo I posted is when the Crown Prince od Abu Dhabi highlighted on the fact that Dr. Peter has made that water is more important than oil).
I want to share with you all the experience of what was it like to go there for the first time and what has it inspired in me...unfortunately I just arrived from university (from AD) and I am absolutely exhausted! I'll writing more about it tomorrow inshAllah. Was excited so wanted to write a bit about it to be honest : ). Have a lovely evening.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Onward and Upward
I also thank these people who hurt me because they made me smarter, stronger, cautious and most importantly closer to my mother. I'm starting to trust so many people and gravitate towards my mother. Friends, let it be a fact. Most probably no one will love you as much as your mother ever will.
In addition I won't be as 'overly friendly' as I used to be, but I will remain as helpful as I always have been though this time without being shocked that the person that I might help hurt me one day and overlook the fact that I helped them one day.
Last but not least I tell these people who are waiting to see me fall to kindly not hold their breath. I will work my way up at a slow and steady pace with confidence, humility and a blind faith in Allah.
Rest assured friends, this is not a post to proclaim that I have lost faith in mankind. I will never do that. Just felt like clearing my mind from negativity the way a person clears their throat (alright not the most ladylike comparison and wanted to emphasize on how releiving it is to clear out the mental 'germs). Have a lovely evening everyone. I'm off to a business trip for about 2 days and will try to drop a post should I have the time inshAllah : )
Sunday, December 4, 2011
After years of searching for the ideal floral boutique that can meet my picky (and might I add refined) taste in flowers I have found it! A lovely floral boutique in Abu Dhabi that's prettily named PETALS Flowers & Events has the most beautiful floral selections and heart throbbing floral arrangements I have ever seen. And don't get me started on the selection of colours. My God they've got impeccable taste in selecting the right colours for a bouquet or floral arrangement! My love for flowers have been restored by them. For the latest viewing of their swoon worthy creations follow them on twitter @Petalsfe (they will launch their website very soon inshAllah as they were revamping it)
I'll leave you with these beautiful images for your viewing pleasure.
I'll leave you with these beautiful images for your viewing pleasure.
Friday, December 2, 2011
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